Ark Oval is a nursery for children aged 2-5, open from 8am-6pm all year round. The quality of care a child receives in their earliest years is key to helping them grow up happy and secure.
Our aim is to build a loving, caring environment for every child: a home from home in which children are educated through fun and play. Our approach centres around child-initiated play and story-telling, while following the Department for Education’s framework for the early years foundation stage (EYFS), so you can feel confident that we are holding ourselves to the highest standards. We are also committed to ensuring our children experience the full wonder of the world through outdoor play as well as visits to different parts of our community.
Our nursery building is designed to be welcoming and child-friendly, with dedicated areas in each room to enable messy play, quiet time and space to talk and eat together at lunchtime and snack time. We are very lucky to have the Ark Oval meadow outdoor space at our disposal as well, which we are working with the school to develop further. This will give our children access to a wide variety of activities including growing plants, running races and climbing trees. Over time, we hope we will be able to keep chickens and there has been talk of goats!
To find out more, attend one of our Open Days or apply for a place, please head to www.arkstart.org.uk to register your interest, and we'll be in touch to discuss in more detail.